Saturday, July 29, 2017

Examining Codes of Ethics

Children Learn
   as they Play
Most importantly
   in play children
Learn how to Learn
   -O. Fred Donaldson

NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct

Ideals- 1.2 To base program practice upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.

I- 1.4 To appreciate the vulnerability of children and their dependence on adults.

I-1.0 To ensure that each child's structure are recognized and valued in the program.

I-1.12 To work with families to provide a safe and smooth transition as children and families more from one program to the next.

I-2.1 To be familiar with the knowledge based related to working effectively with families and to stay informed through continuing education and training.

I- 2.2 To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.

I-2.3 To welcome, all family members and encourage them to participate in the program.

DEC Code of Ethics
We shall honor and respect the diverse backgrounds of our colleagues including such diverse characteristics as sexual orientation, race, national origin, religious beliefs, or other affiliations.

While looking at the different naeyc code of ethical conduct there were so many different ones that fit into what I believe in. So instead of posting just three, I listed a few. The DEC Code of Ethics that I chosen seems to summarize what the naeyc code of ethical conduct that I have chosen. I truly believe that everyone is initialed  to an good education and positive  family involvement is a big key in a child's success in the future.

NAEYC. (2005,April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010 from

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Growing Your Collection of Resources

Books (Teaching Diversity in the classroom)
1- Who We Are! All about being the same and being different. By: Robie H. Harris
For ages 2-5yrs.
Purpose of the book is to help young children understand what makes us who we are from our height to our hair, from the shade of our skin to our eye sight.

2- BEAUTIFUL- By: Stay McAnulty
For ages 4-7

Quote- Every girl is unique, talented, and loveable.... Every girl is beautiful. -Stacy McAnulty-
Purpose- is about showing girls that they can be free to be themselves. It encourages who they are and realize their potential.


NNCC. Biles, B. (1994). Activities that promote racial and cultural awareness. /read_activities.html
Article- Diversity in the Classroom By: Barbara Biles, M.Ed.
This article is a good read it is broken up into different sections. The article is not long and very easy to read. It starts out with activities that promote racial and cultural awareness. Then it talks about when it starts and it touches on the preschool years, kindergarten, and the early primary years of age 7 and 8. Then the last thing is the different activities that you can do for the different age groups.

The World needs different kinds of minds to work together. -Dr. Temple Grandin-

DIVERSITY is the one true thing we have in common. Celebrate it every day. -Anonymous -

Friday, July 7, 2017

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Quotes/ Expert Writings

"If we live in an economy with restricted resources and are looking for the greater bang for our buck, early childhood is the ticket we should purchase." Aisha Ray, Ph. D

"Children must have at least one person who believes in them. It could be a counselor, a teacher, a preacher, a friend. It could be you. You never know when a little love, a little support will plant a small seed of hope." Marian Wright Edelman

"Education for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it." Marian Wright Edelman


Quotes from Aisha Ray, Ph.D/Lorettasholtey.

Quotes about Passion, Motivation, Wisdom 
A quote that I really liked was from an article called "Pursuing Passion".
"Passionate people discover and develop a uniquely personal voice that provides a deep sense of meaning and personal identity, shaped by what they contribute to the world and how others build on and learn from their contributions. Their identity is not about consumption; it is about shared connection."( Hagel 2009)

"Let your love be your guide. Let your courage be your driver, and let your passion be your road to enjoy this magnificent life to the fullest."

"Life starts when you find a passion and begin writing down a plan to obtain your dreams." (Grommit, Howard, Life's Toolbox: 5 tools that will change your life)


Article: Hagel, J.( 2009, November) Pursuing Passion. perspectives/2009/11/pursuing-passion.html

Media Segment
"I not here to save the world, just here to make a difference." Raymond Hernandez MS. Ed

Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). The passion for early childhood. Baltimore

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web
These are the five people that have a been a big influence in my life.

The first two are my parents.
These two people showed me what true  love is and how you have to work at it. My mom came to this country as a teen and education and church has been a big part of her life. She raised us in the church and to help others that are in need. That is probably why I am generous with my giving and my heart willing to show and give love. My father came to this country as an adult and he showed me how a man is to treat his women. He showed it by example of  the interaction with my mom and he
is with me. He worked hard and provided for his family and served this country.

This lovely lady is my grandma. As a child we every time there were a school break that is where we will be. She plays a big part of who I am and how I see certain things in the world. She always told me to work hard for what you want and don't forget to enjoy life. It's okay to cry over a situation, but don't cry to long, get up and keep it moving. Life waits for no one and you have to be willing to play the game to be successful in life.
This lovely people are my cousins. They have been a real blessing in my life and my families. They show what true kindness and loyalty is. These two has influenced my life in many ways, they encouraged me to finish school and continue my education. When they can they are helping out with different family activities that may be going on and checking up on my grandmother to make sure she is okay.  They both show that when you do something for someone you do it with a pure heart and not for gain of something from that person.
In conclusion these five people is a true blessing in my life and had the biggest impact on who I am today. Love ya 😘😘

Time Well Spent

  "Change begins at the end of your comfort zone" -Roy T. Bennett- During my journey at Walden University, I have learned about my...