My childhood friend and her brother were victims of violence in the home. This violence were their mom hitting them. You would have never known, that was how much covering up that my friend did. We always knew that their mom were particular on how things were done,but we never knew how intense it was. In the video The signs of early childhood development, the video mentioned that a person brain is shaped by their experiences and how stress can affect a child's learning. This is so true, it affected my friend brother in a big way. The stress was so much in that house that he decided to stop going to school by the ninth grade.
This is what started the bad choices. Her brother began to hangout with the wrong people, stealing and having problems with authority figures. He tried going into the army but just could not get it together so that option did not work out. Eventually the choices that he made had landed him in prison. Her on the other hand ended up moving to Philly with her father and finished school and have five beautiful kids and a husband. The way that she dealt with her experiences was by talking about it and the support of her family, church and friends. Now that my friend has children of her own she uses her experience in raising them. The life that her children is having is different than the one she lived.
My brother and I weren't raised the way that my parents were. We had consequences for our actions either positive or negative. We were in a home with two parents that never got divorce. They showed us the importance of working hard and making the right choices. They actually talked to us and lead by example. Like the text said that parents are their children first teachers. So what that being said we as adults need to help nurture and guide our children so they will be productive teens and adults.
Center on the Developing Child-Harvard University. (n.d). InBrief: The science of early childhood development. [Video File]. Retrieved from series/inbrief science of ecd/.