Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Affects of Violence

   The Affects of Violence in a house hold is becoming very common now a days. The type of violence that the children have to deal with now is so sad. Some of the children that are being born now are in homes with people that either do not know how to deal with certain behaviors, are witnessing violence in their home between their parents/ caregivers or was brought up in an rough environment.
   My childhood friend and her brother were victims of violence in the home. This violence were their mom hitting them. You would have never known, that was how much covering up that my friend did. We always knew that their mom were particular on how things were done,but we never knew how intense it was. In the video The signs of early childhood development, the video mentioned that a person brain is shaped by their experiences and how stress can affect a child's learning. This is so true, it affected my friend brother in a big way. The stress was so much in that house that he decided to stop going to school by the ninth grade.
   This is what started the bad choices. Her brother began to hangout with the wrong people, stealing and having problems with authority figures. He tried going into the army but just could not get it together so that option did not work out. Eventually the choices that he made had landed him in prison. Her on the other hand ended up moving to Philly with her father and finished school and have five beautiful kids and a husband. The way that she dealt with her experiences was by talking about it and the support of her family, church and friends. Now that my friend has children of her own she uses her experience in raising them. The life that her children is having is different than the one she lived.
   My brother and I weren't raised the way that my parents were. We had consequences for our actions either positive or negative. We were in a home with two parents that never got divorce. They showed us the importance of working hard and making the right choices. They actually talked to us and lead by example. Like the text said that parents are their children first teachers. So what that being said we as adults need to help nurture and guide our children so they will be productive teens and adults.

Center on the Developing Child-Harvard University. (n.d). InBrief: The science of early childhood       development. [Video File]. Retrieved from series/inbrief science of ecd/. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017


Breastfeeding Around the World
  The research that I did is about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a natural way that mother's feed their infants/ child. Breastfeeding is such a debatable topic because everyone wants a mother to breastfeed their baby, but just not where they can see it. I never saw the logic in that. When it is time for that infant to eat it's time to eat. For myself seeing women breastfeeding their child in public do not bother me at all. For others they see a problem with it even though the mother is covered up.
  The first article that I read was from Medline Plus. This article basically told the positive things that comes from a mother breastfeeding her child. A few of the of the benefits are breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help the infant grow. Breast milk can help protect the infant from some of the childhood illnesses and infections. And also it may help the mother with their health, like certain types of cancer may occur less often with mothers that breastfeed their babies.
  In the article  " South Africa has made giant strides in breastfeeding, but still taboo in public places" this article talks about how important breastfeeding is for a infant. It talks about the history that South Africa has in promoting a child's health.  The South African government has been very active in protecting and supporting breastfeeding. Even though breastfeeding is encouraged, breastfeeding in public in South Africa just like so much of the United States is frowned upon. One thing that South Africa did was try to educate the public about breastfeeding in order to help others to understand and be more sympathetic to these mothers that choose to breastfeed in public.

MedlinePlus. (November, 2017). South Africa has made giant strides in breastfeeding. but it's still taboo in public places.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

My Experience of Child Birth

My Experience of Child Birth
  I don't have any children yet, but it is on my to do list. 😊  I did have the pleasure of being part of my cousin's birthing experience three years ago. She gave birth to a 5 lbs beautiful little girl.   Luckily her labor was only a couple of hours.  When she first got to the hospital around midnight she was already asking for some drugs/ epidural.
  The doctor told her that she needed to wait  because she wasn't  dilated enough and it can slow down the process. When my cousin asked again. It may have been an hour later, they told her that she was to far into her labor to receive the epidural. While she waited they allowed for her to sit on an exercise ball to help relieve the pain. My cousin had told me that the ball really did help with the pain. Now it was time for the birth it was around 5 am. The process was so amazing to me, just seeing how the human body can give to bring this little beautiful girl into the world. When it is my turn I will really like to try a water birth. When it is my time who knows I maybe asking for an epidural myself. lol

Births Around the World
  While researching there were many interesting things that I have learned about how people in other countries deal with child birth. Tradition played a major role of how the child is brought into the world to after the child is here. What stood out for me was Korea. The women in Korea are urged to only look at beautiful things as seeing ugly things during labor means that the baby will be born ugly.
   Also as a women is in labor she can not scream or shout it is considered to be shameful. A women is expected to be quiet through the birth as it is believed that silence is required to focus the energy into the birthing process. That seemed strange to me so I started looking on YouTube and other sites to see if this information was correct. When I was on you tube there were a few video's that I watched and the women really did not call out or really make any sound during delivery. One lady actually began crying and the nurse/doctor told her to stop crying. That was a shock to me!!
   The two articles that I read also talked about after the baby is born that seven days afterwards the baby is brought gifts and there are different items hung on the front door, letting people know that they can not come to the house. It is very interesting how far we came in the world but some cultures  still want to incorporate the traditional ways of their culture.

  1. Differences and Similarities: The U.S, the length of stay in the hospital is three days unless there is other problems. Korea, the stay is about a week and the birthing experience tend to be more traditional. What is similar is that the doctor will give you a choice of going natural or having an epidural. The U.S the women can scream or cry to let out their pain as of Korea the women are made to feel same if they scream or cry. 

Asian Info. (2000) Births .  

Evans, L (2010). Baby and pregnancy traditions around the world. 

Time Well Spent

  "Change begins at the end of your comfort zone" -Roy T. Bennett- During my journey at Walden University, I have learned about my...