Monday, June 21, 2021

The Adourning Stage

Farewill and Good Luck
Which of the groups were hardest to say good-bye? Summer Camp Program: This year it would have to be the summer program. Usually throughout, the summer the NCPreK teachers will assist the afterschool teachers with driving to and from the field trips. This year due to the lack of leadership in the office and short staff the NCPreK teachers had to set up and get a plan together for the summer program. This took about five to six people to handle different area's of the task. One was in charge of calling the different places and getting prices & dates. Another one was making sure that the buses had updated emergency contact sheets & first aide kits. The other teacher created a permission slips and gave them to the parents, so everyone had a part to play. 
    The hardest thing about adourning is the end of the summer bash. For the reason that many of the NCPreK teacher this year is not returning back for the new school year. So the bond that we have created over this past year & summer will be greatly missed. 

How do you imagine that you will ajourn from the group of colleagues that you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program? As far as my colleagues in the class, I have developed one bond with a classmate during our different courses we have taken. We began to commuincate through email first then text & calling, to gain a better understanding of some assisgnments and reading materials. We also have began  exchanging ideas on different activities that we have done within our own classrooms towards the end of the school year. Hopefully, when we both graduate in December we will keep in touch and continue to exchange ideas.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Disagreements or Conflicts My Experiences


Disagreement or Conflicts
    A time that I could remember of a pretty intense disagreement within the classroom with my co-teacher. I am a lead and I had an assistant that did not understand the responsibilities that a lead teacher has. I hate saying that but, I make sure that whoever is working with me feel very comfortable and their ideas are represented within the classroom and lesson plan. We had a disagreement over how to handle a difficult child and their parents. 
    My co-teacher at the time did not understand how much work goes into being a lead it is just not completing lesson plans, assestments, documentation or even meetings with the Partnership for Children. There were many hours spent off the clock at home gathering information and resources to implement within the classroom or provide families.I don't think that she fully understand the program that we are in, the program is an at-risk program so therefore the families already has a challenge. It may be financial, lack of housing, or transportation. 

            The way that we came to an understanding, was to bring a mediator in. We talked about our goals for the classroom and the responsibilties that we each share. So when reading the article "An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC),it mentions 2 Ways of Moving Toward Connection (Basileia, LLC. 2007). Honestly express your own feelings & needs and Empathically listen to each other's feelings & needs (Basileia, LLC, 2007). When looking over these two ways of moving forward I have noticed that these are what we used to come to an understanding.

Center for Nonviolent Communication, (n.d.),NVC instruction guide.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Similarities and Differences of My Communication Skills


What is the one thing that surprised you the most? What suprised me this week with doing this evaluation is how similar my self eval and the eval summary of mine that two of my co-workers had completed. On the verbal aggressiveness scale my score is a 68 and my co-workers is a 60, Communication Anxiety Inventory (my score) 49 and co-workers (score 42), Listening Styles Profile (my score) 34 and co-workers score is also a 34. What also that was intereseting is that the evaluations that my co-workers had completed had the same numbers in each section and was completed on two different days. 

What other insights about communication did you gain this week? What I found in in the the different groups and the description box, some of what is discribed seems to be accurate.  What I have also learned is how my co-workers see me, when it comes to communication. A positive thing about the survey is that the level's and the description was not negative, but actually positive. I always felt that my communication skills were effective, but that is just me being bias. lol After reading the different description of my co-workers survey it shows that my communication as others may see it is okay. There are things that I can approve and doing this assignment may have given me a better understanding of who I am as a communicator. 

Time Well Spent

  "Change begins at the end of your comfort zone" -Roy T. Bennett- During my journey at Walden University, I have learned about my...