Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families.
My response would be, Why? The sole purpose of my job is to help guide the child's learning that they may be able to function socially and be successful in daily tasks. It is important that all children/ families are represented, it will help for the child to have a sense of self. And who are we to say what is correct? just because it is not the norm, doesn't mean that it is not right. It also help children to gain respect for others that are different from them.
How would you respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for educating, and/or interacting with their child?
My first question to the family/ individual is what does the teacher sexuality have to do with providing a safe, age appropriate and educational environment. I actually had to deal with that same situation about two years ago. When a parent realized that their child's after school teacher is transgender. I brought it up to the parent that prior to them finding out this information have they ever had any problems with this teacher? They said "no" they were pleased with the teachers work. So my final question is then should it matter about how that teacher chooses to identify themselves? The children is either not aware or don't even care.
If you have ever used or heard homophobic terms such as "fag," "gay," "homo," "sissy," "tom boy," or "lesbo" as an insult by a child toward another child? Or, by an adult toward a child? Describe what occurred. How might these types of comments influence all children?
I have heard one or two children in the older after school class ages 9-12, say "gay" to another child. When the teacher addressed the situation, the children mentioned that the way that the other child act is very girlish. Then the teacher asked the other child how does that make you feel? When the child had acknowledged his feelings, the other children began to apologize. After the apology the teacher began addressing the children that made the statement. The teacher then began discussing why what they said was not appropriate. And how would it make them feel if the roles was reversed?
When doing this assignment in the video Gender it mentions the different ways that the teachers/providers dealt with gender specific roles. It mentions how there are diverse gender roles around the classroom, conversation/discussion about gender and also field trips (Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d). What I also found interesting is that the children has the word "stereotype" and they learn what the word means and is able to identify different situations and is able to self-correct (Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d). What I also found interesting is that in the video sexual orientation it mostly dealt with the interaction between parent and teacher and dealing with the subject of inclusion of different types of families or teachers that their children may come in contact with. I like how a teacher had explain to the parent that her son playing with dolls will help him to develop sensitivity to others (Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d). The clip also mentions how the classroom is there to validate all families, and to help children to develop a positive identity.
Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d). Start seeing diversity: Gender [Video file]
Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d). Start seeing diversity: Sexual Orientation [Video file]