Saturday, August 28, 2021

What I Have Learned


One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds
I hope that each day that I learn from my families and they learn from me how to accept one another for who we are. To help to create a learning & safe environment that everyone can grow from.
One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice 
A goal that I would like to see set is more equity within the child settings. I would like to see just more of the basic materials but more stem like activities for these at risk programs. Another thing is more diversity in our reading materials and with social justice, holding everyone at the same standards no matter the race, religious beliefs or gender. 

A brief note of thanks to your colleagues
Once again I would like to send out a great big thanks for everyone that had a hand in supporting my education. I appreciate all the resources that everyone has shared, the suggestions on materials or lessons. I have been in many classes with some of you and we only have one or two more to go. Can't wait to see each and everyone of you at the finish line! For now see you in a couple of days in the next class.👋 



  1. Takeisha thank you for sharing your hopes, dreams, and goals. I wanted a STEM center so I create one in my classroom. I found recycle materials such as paper towel rolls, tapes, craft sticks, string, ribbon, cardboard, glue, foam, rocks, cotton balls, sticks, feathers, empty water bottles etc. and let them create, create, create. You really do not have to send much money. I put these items into plastic Dollar Tree shoe boxes and labeled them. This is also called loose-parts.

  2. Your hope is crucial for the success of the families we serve. We all have to be committed to learning new things. With insights and broaden perspective, we create an environment that fosters rich diversity. Good luck to you and your future endeavors.

  3. Hi Takeisha, it has been so great embarking on this journey with you. You have some great goals and hopes, which I wish you all the best in pursuing in your early child development journey. Thank you for all your shared knowledge and experiences. I look forward to growing and learning with you throughout our courses in the diversity in early childhood program.


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